Welcome Back by Spider :: Sep 21, 2024 9:50 AM
Hello and welcome back to Robotskull.com. The domain was rescued from squatters after many many years by Hanzo.
The website itself probably won't ever come back like it used to be.
However, you can join the private Robotskull discord server - an admin will grant you access to all the channels eventually
Coherent Thoughts by JohnnySizzle :: Feb 07, 2025 12:36 AM
Post my own words daily on my pages as a scarlet letter... Do undervalue the line you may or may not have been fed by the brokenangelwing... Have fun on your voyage of self humiliation... If I got off on it, Id be beaking off. Im showing soft underbelly? I would also make this a haven from the coolness that infects this place like AIDS... Hey you say you a fool and stand and be counted I say OK I was so wrong and I stand and get counted.. WTF happened, man?... You can, like, *beep* yourself...*Thankyou!* She's untrustworthy... Whats with the midget fetish, anyhow? Be a man and post it up high and dry, guyses... She's all embarassed of me and will most likely recede from our relates. It would be prudent, indeed... So be it.