Welcome Back by Spider :: Sep 21, 2024 9:50 AM

Hello and welcome back to Robotskull.com. The domain was rescued from squatters after many many years by Hanzo.

The website itself probably won't ever come back like it used to be.

However, you can join the private Robotskull discord server - an admin will grant you access to all the channels eventually

Coherent Thoughts by JohnnySizzle :: Feb 07, 2025 12:47 AM

Fuck off if you still got a stick in your ass.. I am about had it with you daycare cases getting off on my interest... Excellent jibe, guy, Im a whiner... Goodbye to you all.. I would also change the powers to NOT include the ability of the admins to read MY, YOURS and ANYONE'S rims... Now yall are poaching... Think twice about lying... I said I was done and Im done.... If I owed you the money, you think I'd be carping on and on about how I didn't owe it or whatever? Cunt... Fuck, man I, like, never post on my own page, like never... We'll I'll tell you, Mister Swaggerpants YOU dont know SHIT about her OR I. I'm usually just happy not to get put in a position to have to stick up for myself or my feelings etc.... That is my last word on this until the next indignity ends up on my page...